
How to Go With the Flow of the Market | Buying a Home in Northern Colorado

Buying A Home

go with the flow of the market

Buying a home in Fort Collins or Northern Colorado requires an understanding of the seasonal shifts in market activity and the weekly flow of the market. A simple way to explain these cycles is with a surfing metaphor. It’s like knowing the best time of day to catch the biggest waves or wearing a wetsuit during certain times of the year. Just like a surfer hitting the waves, timing and preparation is everything.

Knowing what to expect will help you adapt to fluctuations in the market so you get the best deal. This article will help you understand the weekly and yearly inventory cycles you should pay attention to when buying a home in Fort Collins.

The Weekly Inventory Cycle 

Home listings tend to hit the market at the end of the week. It makes sense. As the weekend approaches, buyers have more time to devote to their search. 

Get organized on Friday afternoon and plan your weekend home hunt. Depending on the neighborhood you are looking in, sellers will either go for “speed” or go for “the money.”

That means sellers will either take offers quickly or set loose deadlines so as many buyers as possible have a chance to see their home. 

If you find a home online that you like, reach out to your agent as soon as possible so they can flag the listing and connect with the seller. They will find out if you should hurry to place an offer or if you can take your time.

Keep in mind that the inventory of homes for sale changes weekly. Depending on the time of year, it can be drastic. Once you decide to buy a home seriously, you need to be committed and vigilant. Monitor new listings on the internet and plan to keep your weekends free for last-minute viewings. Have a strategy for sellers looking for speed and those wanting to take their time. Be prepared and go with the flow! Who knows, you may come across your future dream home this week!

The Yearly Inventory Cycle

The housing market in Fort Collins and throughout Colorado is hot right now. Fewer homes are available on the market, so prices are high and expected to continue climbing. Median sales prices increased by an average of 30% from March 2021 to April 2022. 

Additionally, the market changes from year to year, but trends are seasonal as well. Here’s what to expect throughout the year:

  • Inventory (the number of homes on the market) in the Northern Colorado Area has a yearly cycle that looks like a bell curve, with the low periods in January and December and the peak in April through June. 
  • Suburban home sales follow the school calendar and tend to become available in April, May, and June. Not as many suburban homes come on the market in the middle of a school year.
  • The overall market slows down in July and August but picks up right after Labor Day.

What Do These Trends Mean for You?

Go with the flow! If you start your search in December, January, or August, be aware that there likely won’t be very many homes on the market. If you are patient and wait until March, April, or June, you’ll have plenty of listings to choose from. Don’t get frustrated or give up on your dream even if buying a home in Fort Collins or Northern Colorado takes longer than you expect.

There are exceptions to every rule. Keep your expectations in check but stay vigilant! You never know when your dream home will hit the market. If you want to know more about what to expect from your home search, get in touch, and I’ll help you sort through it all. Everyone has different wants and needs when it comes to buying a home. I’ll be here to help you sort through it all and stay on top of the trends so you can relax and ‘ride the wave.’ 

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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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