Let’s dive into a fun, A to Z guide on making your home safer and less inviting to those pesky burglars.

A – Alarm System
Think of your alarm system as your home’s personal bouncer. You can go the high-tech route with a professional installation and 24/7 monitoring, or you can be a DIY hero and install one yourself. Either way, these systems can alert you (and the police) if something’s amiss.
B – Basement Security
Don’t let your basement be the secret entryway to your home. Install window sensors or security film to keep those hidden windows from becoming easy targets.
C – Cameras
Who doesn’t love an extra set of eyes? Install cameras inside and outside your home. Bonus points if they’re smart cameras you can check from your phone. Perfect for catching that porch pirate or just keeping an eye on things while you’re away.
D – Don’t Forget About Items in Your Car
Northern Colorado folks, lock your car doors even if it’s just sitting in the driveway. And please, don’t leave valuables in plain sight. No one needs to advertise their brand new gadget collection to potential thieves.
E – Eliminate Temptations with Visible Items
Hide your treasures! Keep valuable items out of sight from windows and avoid storing expensive toys or tools on your front porch. A little discretion goes a long way.
F – Fences and Gates
A good fence makes good neighbors… and keeps the bad ones out. Make sure your fences and gates are locked. But remember, super tall fences might give burglars a place to hide.
G – Garage Security
Your garage is not just for your car. Lock it up! Use sensors, secure the emergency release cord, and never leave the door opener in your car if it’s parked outside.
H – Hiding Keys Outside
We all think we’re clever hiding keys under the mat or in a flower pot. Newsflash: burglars know these spots too. Instead, give a spare to a trusted neighbor or invest in a keyless entry system.
I – Inventory of Assets
Make a list, check it twice, and keep it somewhere safe. An inventory of your valuables can make life a lot easier if you ever need to file a police report or an insurance claim.
J – Join Neighborhood Watch Group
Get involved! Knowing your neighbors and keeping an eye out for each other can make your community safer. Plus, you’ll be the first to know about any local shenanigans.
K – Keyless Car Theft
Keep your key fob in a secure spot, away from doors and windows. Consider using a signal-blocking pouch to prevent tech-savvy thieves from unlocking your car.
L – Lock Doors and Windows
This one’s simple but often overlooked. Lock your doors and windows, folks. It’s the easiest way to keep out uninvited guests.
M – Monitor Home After Service/Cleaning Visits
Be cautious after having service providers in your home. Make sure windows and doors are locked, and store valuables out of sight before they arrive.
N – No High Hedges or Shrubs
Keep your yard in check. High hedges and shrubs can provide cover for burglars. Trim them back to improve visibility around your home.
O – Outdoor Lighting
Illuminate your property with lights. Motion sensors, porch lights, and pathway lighting can all deter would-be intruders. And let’s be honest, a well-lit home looks inviting too.
P – Package Deliveries
Don’t let packages sit out. Schedule deliveries for when you’re home, ask a neighbor to pick them up, or use a secure drop box. And recycle those boxes discreetly—no need to advertise your new 75-inch TV.
Q – Quit Posting Pictures When Traveling
Save those vacation snaps for when you’re back home. Broadcasting your absence on social media is like sending an open invite to burglars.
R – Reinforce Exterior Door Security
Upgrade your door locks, deadbolts, and hinges. A sturdy door is your first line of defense. Consider a peephole or a smart doorbell for added security.
S – Smart Home Security Tips
Embrace technology! From smart locks to security cameras, there are plenty of gadgets that can make your home safer. Just make sure your WiFi is secure too.
T – Timers and Automation for Inside Lights (and Dog Barking)
Make it look like someone’s always home. Use timers for lights and electronics, or even play a recording of a barking dog. Burglars will think twice before breaking in.
U – Use Common Sense
It sounds simple, but being aware and mindful of your home’s security can prevent many issues. Don’t leave tools out, keep your garage closed, and be cautious with strangers at your door.
V – Vacation Strategies
Before heading out on a trip, inform a trusted neighbor. Set up lights on timers, stop mail delivery, and ensure your home is secure with alarms and sensors.
W – Window Alarm Sensors and Window Film
Add sensors to your windows and use security film to make it harder for intruders to break in. These extra layers of security can make a big difference.
X – Xtra Secure Safes and Etching
Store valuables in a secure safe and consider etching identifying marks on high-value items. It makes it easier to recover stolen goods.
Y – Your Second Floor Safety
Don’t neglect the upper floors. Install window sensors and consider motion detectors in hallways. Intruders can find their way up, especially if there are trees or balconies nearby.
Z – Zero In On Glass Sliding Doors
Secure your sliding doors with a metal rod or additional locks. These doors can be a weak point, so reinforce them to prevent easy entry.
Stay safe and secure, Northern Colorado! Remember, a little effort goes a long way in keeping your home protected. If you have any questions or need recommendations for security systems, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help!
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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.
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