
Understanding Your Rights as a Homeowner

Homeowner Highlights

Owning a home in Northern Colorado is like holding the keys to your own little kingdom. You get to decide everything from the color of your front door to whether or not you want a garden full of native wildflowers or, let’s be honest, weeds that just look like wildflowers. But just how much freedom do you really have? Spoiler alert: it’s a bit of a mixed bag. As a homeowner, you have certain property rights, but there are also some restrictions that can throw a wrench into your plans.

rights as a homeowner

So let’s break down what you can (and sometimes can’t) do with your property.

Your Five Property Rights

Your legal rights as an owner are often referred to as a “bundle of rights,” which include the following:

  1. The Right of Possession You own the property. Simple? But miss your mortgage payments or property taxes, and your rights can get murky real fast. Always make sure to keep up with those bills to maintain this foundational right.
  2. The Right of Control You can use your property however you like, whether that’s hosting epic backyard BBQs or planting a vegetable garden. But hold up—local ordinances, HOAs, and building codes can restrict this right. Want to keep chickens in your backyard? Better check those local rules first!
  3. The Right of Enjoyment You should be able to enjoy your home without unnecessary interference. If your neighbor’s constant drumming sessions are driving you nuts, you have the right to address it. Keep records of disturbances and know when to involve local authorities.
  4. The Right of Exclusion This means you get to decide who can come onto your property. It’s your call whether or not to let in the door-to-door salesperson selling the latest gadget. However, emergency services with a warrant can still enter without your permission.
  5. The Right of Disposition You can sell or transfer ownership of your property as you see fit. Planning to leave your home to your favorite nephew? No problem. Just remember, if you have a mortgage, you’ll need to pay that off first.

When Rights Get Complicated

While you have these rights, there are a few situations where things can get complicated:

  • Easements Sometimes, others have legal access to your property. Utility companies might need to access their equipment on your land. Or, there might be a right-of-way easement for a neighbor’s driveway. Always check your deed for any existing easements.
  • Eminent Domain This is when the government can take private property for public use, like building a new road. You’ll get compensated, but it can still be a shock if it happens to you.
  • Neighbor’s Tree If your neighbor’s tree falls on your property, you might be responsible for the damage if it’s considered an “Act of God.” Keep an eye on neighboring trees and address any concerns in writing before they become a problem.
  • Surface vs. Mineral Rights In some areas, you might own the land but not the minerals beneath it. If someone else has the mineral rights, they could potentially drill or dig on your property. This is more common in rural areas, so always check the specifics of your property rights.

Wrapping It Up

Homeownership in Northern Colorado is fantastic, but understanding your rights and limitations is crucial. Whether it’s dealing with an overenthusiastic neighbor or navigating local ordinances, knowing your property rights can save you a lot of headaches.

For any specific concerns, it’s always best to consult with a property law attorney. And remember, I’m here to help you navigate all things real estate. From understanding your rights to finding your dream home, I’ve got you covered.

If you have any questions or need recommendations, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to making the most of your homeownership journey!

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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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