
The Fun House-Hunting Guide

Buying A Home

Househunting can be grueling and stressful— that doesn’t mean it can’t also be fun! There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have just as much fun as those couples on House Hunters. You just need to get your ducks in a row beforehand.

This week I’m sharing my fun house-hunting guide. First, I’ll quickly review the steps you should take before you start looking at homes. Once you’ve got that squared away, it’s time to have fun! Don’t worry. I have plenty of ideas to help you make the most of this experience!

In Review

If you’ve gotten to this point, give yourself a big pat on the back. Consult the following articles if you need a refresher:

Establish Your Needs and Desires

Before you start looking for a home, you must ask yourself questions that dig deeper than “how many bedrooms do you want in a home.” Questions that delve into detailed aspects of your needs and desires allow you to think carefully about what you want in this new chapter of your life. Honest self-analysis at the start of your home-buying journey will put you on the right path to making a home purchase suitable for your lifestyle and budget. 

The Three Buckets

Each and every factor that you can think of when you are buying a home fits into one of these three buckets: 

  1. Budget
  2. Location 
  3. Criteria

Each bucket doesn’t have to be precisely equal in weight. Still, they must be balanced and aligned to achieve your ultimate goal of finding your perfect home. 

Putting it All Together

Alignment = Your Perfect Home in Colorado. You must align your three buckets, so they don’t spill over and derail your search. For example—if you won’t compromise on location and can’t change your budget, then you must focus on the “criteria” bucket. In that case, you might want to consider a fixer-upper or a smaller home. Figure out what you’re willing to compromise on so you can still have your desired location and budget.

Now You’re Ready | Fun House-Hunting Basics

Stay organized and focused— You’re going to look at a LOT of homes. Keep a folder (virtual or otherwise) of all your research on the homes you visit. It would take a super-genius to retain all that information without a bit of record-keeping. Setting up a system is essential so you can easily refer back to the details.

Create a schedule that works for you— Make sure your agent is aware of your schedule and expectations. If house-hunting becomes a chore, you’ll become frustrated and lose interest.

Don’t forget to ask for a drive-by— Going for a drive is always a fun way to spend some time alone or with family. Ask your agent for a list of homes on the market you can consider from the outside. Blast some music and enjoy the ride!

Communicate— Honest communication is essential. Express your likes and dislikes after viewing a home. That means discussing your feelings with your partner, your real estate agent, and most importantly— yourself!

Look for future potential— throughout the process, remind yourself why you’re doing this! Owning a home is a dream come true. Don’t let yourself become disillusioned. Look for the potential in each home you consider. Could you knock out that dividing wall and open up the space? What would that garden look like if it got the care it needed?

Embrace the process! With the right agent at your side, looking for a new home can be all you’ve ever wanted. Contact me anytime! I’d love to help you rediscover the fun in house-hunting.

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I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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Hi, there!

I'm Lauren Haug! I'm a teacher-turned-real estate agent, and I teach people how to build wealth through real estate in Northern Colorado.

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